
Bits and Pieces: a collage exhibition

When Jonathan Talbot asked me to participate in his curated show for BID Gallery in New Rochelle, I gladly obliged. I have known Jonathan for many years, and his work is an inspiration. Take a moment to see his work HERE. The show, perfectly named Bits and Pieces, took place in October 2009. Recently launched is a website dedicated to the exhibition. Candid photos like this one were compiled, and an interactive click and see function was added. Just click on the piece of art in the picture and a new window opens to display the work in an organized window with size and titles - you get the idea.


tarnish said...

Fantastic Kevin. Nice work!

Camie Isabella Salaz said...

Hey congratulations on a career going strong, as time goes by there are fewer and fewer.... its so great that you are still doin what you love. Take care -cam