I ran into the set designers who were getting the set ready for a new flick called happythankyoumoreplease. They were discussing what to do with the "abstract" painting that was needed for the shots when I walked by. On the stoop 5 doors down from me in Brooklyn sat this large painting... well sort of a Pollock-inspired action piece...yikes it was a bit of a disaster. I was on my way to work but boasted that I could do much better given 45 minutes. The rules were simply that it needed to be black and white to match the feel of the set. So here are a few screen shots...

Nice! That's Ted Mosby!
Kevin it was so wonderful meeting you & your wife last night at the BID Gallery in New Rochelle. I love your work & I'm even more wowed after seeing additional pieces on this blog!! LOVE this painting you did for the movie set too! Wow-beautiful-fits perfectly w/ the set!!! I know, too many exclamation points!!! Alas, it's one of the few ways to express excitement & delight over the internet! :-) Keep the creativity flowing & I hope our paths cross again soon. ~Mary Carol Durr (Steve Specht's wife)
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